Angers : Razzagui à nouveau décisif

Abdoul Razzagui Camara a brillé à nouveau avec le SCO d’Angers ce vendredi en marge de la 35e journée de ligue 2 française. Angers s’est imposé  face à Orléans et reste dans la course pour la montée en ligue 1.

Le Guinéen adore évoluer à Jean Bouin. La preuve encore ce soir où il a inscrit son 5e but de la saison dans le jardin angevin. Abdoul Razzagui ouvre matinalement le score contre l’US Orléans après avoir repris un ballon centré au premier poteau (2’). Il inscrit là son 6e but de la saison, son deuxième consécutif.

Le SCO s’impose finalement (2-1) et maintient ses chances de monter dans l’élite. Avec 59 points, Angers est à deux longueurs de la 2e place occupée par le GFC Ajaccio. Dijon talonne à la 4e place avec trois points de moins en attendant de se déplacer à Brest samedi.

Thierno Amadou MAKADJI


  1. Stephanie

    22 mai 2015 at 9 h 29 min

    Studies in the UK link low IQ, racism and convirvatese (not necessarily right-wing political) views. Not all racists are dummies/convirvateses any more than all social convirvateses are necessarily dummies and/or racists, it’s just that in many cases where you find one, the other two (according to these two studies) seem to form the rest of the picture. Zimmerman’s daddy can’t be blamed for trying to refute the knee-jerk assumption that his unspeakable son is a racist. But at the very least George is a bored, nosey, paranoid, unstable, self-important, gun-toting attention seeker. Trayvon Martin is dead because of it. Florida, and the other 49, should disarm the Zimmermans of this world. Make carrying a firearm illegal and strictly apply the harshest penalties to offenders. Your right to bear arms isn’t worth the death of one single kid.

  2. Walker

    18 mai 2015 at 17 h 28 min

    Awesome! Glad you enjoyed a peach from local farm. I think we can acrtepiape our food more when we reflect on where it comes from, the sunshine, rain, seed activation to eventually bear fruit, and of course the human beings involved. Its a miraculous process. Taking a moment to remember this allows us to touch the sacred circle of which we are apart. Food is a culture, fo’sho. My kids and I enjoyed some tasty guacamole made at home with all yumminess: avocados, tomato, red onion, garlic, cilantro, lemon, dash of cayenne, salt, splash of salsa added. Was delicious w/ our bean taco and arrugala salad mix. Chow! Dr. Bangoura

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